Urban Ore Blog

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Reintroducing the Lone Recycler!

by Urban Ore - 09.06.2010

The Lone Recycler is a comic book dating all the way back to 1984. It was created by Nancy Gorrell, a children’s illustrator and longtime…

First Timers Guide – What to expect when you first visit the Ecopark

by Urban Ore - 07.30.2010

Urban Ore is a Berkeley legend. If you Google us you’ll find tons of stories and anecdotes online from students to artists to building contractors…

The AT&T Park Glove and Urban Ore. An origin story.

by Urban Ore - 09.22.2015

Want to know about Urban Ore’s connection to AT&T Park’s famed baseball glove sculpture? There are a few origin stories actually. Read this article and…

What makes a good planter? Anything that can contain a plant.

by Urban Ore - 04.09.2015

Here at Urban Ore we are very lucky to have a dedicated gardener to help keep our grounds looking pleasant. Alice Green, an old friend…

Stumped for a Father’s Day gift?

by Valerie Carey - 06.13.2014

Whether he’s a reader, tinkerer, fashionisto, collector, gardener, sportsman, cook, or artist, with three acres of reusable goods…. we’ve got you covered.

Holiday Reuse Gifts Made Locally

by Valerie Carey - 11.30.2013

Featured businesses from our store’s Holiday Reuse Gift Showcase. Find out where to buy their products here. Support local business, save the planet, AND find unique holiday gifts – that’s called a triple-win!

How To “Rehab Right”: Oakland Planning Department Releases Book Online

by Valerie Carey - 03.21.2013

Practical guidance on planning and managing an architectural rehab project in your home. Full descriptions and beautiful drawings detailing 13 Bay Area architectural styles from 1860s through 1940s. Nearly 100 additional pages of detailed information on how to rehabilitate exterior and interior elements, with clear and simple language and illustrations.

Urban Ore Canvas Bags! ONLY $5!! Made in the U.S.A. from 100% Organic Cotton

by Urban Ore - 03.07.2013

Back in stock by popular demand!  Urban Ore canvas bags are proudly made in the U.S.A. from 100% organic cotton.  ONLY $5!  Now that Alameda…

5 Sink-or-Swim Toilet Measurements

by Valerie Carey - 02.25.2013

Urban Ore… “Isn’t that the place with all the toilets outside?” Why, yes it is. Thanks for noticing! The magnitude of toilet-ness (toiletry?) on display…

Gettin’ the Lead Out

by Valerie Carey - 01.21.2013

A lot of people come to us asking for advice on lead paint. It’s a good thing to be concerned about, as it can pose…

Brave New EPR World and Its Resource Monopolies

by Aunty Entropy - 07.17.2012

Imagine a world in which there were state-mandated middleman organizations that contracted for and controlled the recovery of all discarded resources; that were funded by…

Yes! Urban Ore sells clothing!

by Urban Ore - 03.20.2012

Ever since our lovely employee Erica took on our clothing department, it looks better than ever! She combs through daily shipments of clothing and hand…